
Our Values

At its heart, our mis­sion is to pro­duce deli­cious and fla­vor­ful veg­eta­bles and fruits for our com­mu­ni­ty on 8 acres of cer­ti­fied organ­ic land, but more impor­tant is the spir­it in which we do it. We value: 

  1. An open and sup­port­ive work envi­ron­ment:
    Mem­bers are unit­ed and treat­ed fair­ly. Open-mind­ed­ness guides decisions.
  2. Organ­ic and eco­log­i­cal prac­tices
    We are comit­ted to using meth­ods of farm­ing that respect nature
  3. Sol­i­dar­i­ty
    Mem­bers leave no one behind. The coop­er­a­tive is a place where mutu­al aid, cama­raderie, plea­sure at work, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, appre­ci­a­tion and account­abil­i­ty reign.

Offres d’emplois saison 2025
