Organic Vegetable Farm

Community Supported Agriculture

CSA baskets

Since 2009, Coop les Jardins de la Résis­tance has sold com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ed agri­cul­ture (CSA) veg­etable bas­kets in Mon­tre­al (Pointe-Sainte-Charles and NDG), in Château­guay, in La Prairie, and direct­ly at the farm in Orm­stown. The farm is cer­ti­fied organ­ic by Eco­cert Canada. 

Our products

We pro­duce over 60 vari­eties of veg­eta­bles, fruits, and herbs in sum­mer as well as in win­ter. From clas­sics like car­rots and toma­toes to hardy win­ter greens, we strive to diver­si­fy our selec­tion for your great­est eat­ing pleasure!

We also have a few hives that pro­duce a unique hon­ey flavoured by flow­ers that our bees help pol­li­nate all over the farm.





Fresh, tasty prod­ucts grown with­in 65 km of our deliv­ery points 

100% organic 

No arti­fi­cial pes­ti­cides or fertilizers 

Worker cooperative

Coop mem­bers prac­tice demo­c­ra­t­ic management 
